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Fintech Data Analytics

Your Data-Driven Decision-Making

Unlock unparalleled insights with our unique, AI-powered blend of proprietary datasets—and gain a true first-on-the-market advantage.  Discover more


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Fintech Data Analytics

Revolutionize Your Data-Driven Decision-Making

Unlock unparalleled insights with our unique, AI-powered blend of proprietary datasets—and gain a true first-on-the-market advantage. Discover more


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Elevate Your Market Intelligence


Tap into unique, untapped, actionable datasets

Extract unique, actionable and customizable datasets with unequalled depth, breadth and accuracy from an untapped source—thousands of SMEs that make up the backbone of their local economies.

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Lead with unrivaled predictive and prescriptive intelligence

Lead the market with AI-driven predictive and prescriptive market intelligence that sets a whole new standard in accuracy, timeliness, completeness, reliability and relevance.

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Stay steps ahead of the markets

Don’t just react to the market. Level up your investment decisions, optimize your trading strategies and, ultimately, gain a competitive advantage with the predictive accuracy and timeliness of our AI-enhanced market intelligence.

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Amplify Your Global Financial Market Acumen


Global stock markets oversee a staggering $107 trillion in U.S. dollars*, representing a large portion of global wealth. In this vast and intricate financial ecosystem, the need for accurate, timely and actionable data is paramount.


* Source: World Federation of Exchanges, SIFMA estimates, Forbes, Bloomberg, JP Morgan, MSCI. Numbers may not total 100 due to rounding. Largest companies in the world based on Forbes 2000 methodology that accounts for market value, sales, profits and assets (as of Q2 2023).

Every move you make could mean a difference of millions or billions

For capital market professionals, economists and bank executives, the stakes are enormous and every move counts.

In this world, bridging the gap between data and a competitive advantage is actionable insight that offers a comprehensive view of the market, where every percentage point shift can mean a difference of millions or billions of dollars.


Clarity starts with predictive and prescriptive market intelligence 

Tenoris3’s unique datasets provide access to unparalleled SME data, converting previously unavailable raw numbers into actionable intelligence.


Tenoris3 can be your compass in an ocean of information

The global stock market waits for no one. Tenoris3’s predictive and prescriptive market intelligence, powered by AI, ensures you do not just navigate global financial waters—you can chart your own course, ahead of the curve.  Find out how

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The world of capital markets is a swirling dance of numbers, predictions and intricacies.

Publicly traded companies don’t exist in isolation—their financial performances are deeply tied to the industries they serve.

The right insight into these sectors can illuminate a path to better forecasts and more informed decisions.

  • Correlation is key. A firm grasp on how industries impact their resident companies is paramount. This correlation is a linchpin for more informed trades.

  • The value of timely data. The financial data service provider industry in the U.S. generates billions of dollars in revenue* every year. This underscores the relentless hunger for current, actionable data in navigating financial markets.

* Source: IBISWorld (September 2023)




Harness the deep correlations between industries and companies with our robust, unparalleled data solutions.

  • Informed trades, competitive advantage.  Fuel your predictive modeling applications with our timely industry insights, turning potential trades into a competitive advantage.

  • Why settle for less? In a market where nuanced insights hold the key to unprecedented gains, align yourself with Tenoris3 at the forefront of the data revolution.  Dive deeper

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The financial data landscape is replete with providers relying largely on the same sources: stock prices, public filings, analyst forecasts and macroeconomic indicators.

This commonality means that most are merely reshuffling the same deck of cards:

  • Common pools. Most financial data service providers tap into publicly available data, often leading to a homogeneity in insights.

  • The exception, not the rule. A scant few have the capability to venture beyond this norm, accessing unique datasets that can truly empower clients with a competitive advantage.

This is where Tenoris3 changes the data game

Where many see data, Tenoris3 sees untapped potential. Dive deeper to discover how our truly unique datasets can lead to exclusive insights that influence every market strategy you create.

  • Exclusive access

    Through the exclusive data collected from the Cubeler Business Hub, Tenoris3 steps into a league of its own. Our access to an untapped source of data—thousands of SMEs—sets us apart in the crowded financial data arena.

  • Transformative insights

    It’s not just about having unique data. It’s about converting that data into actionable intelligence. Our ie-Pulse and Equity Insider products provide not just exclusive information, but a genuine competitive advantage.



Learn more about ie-Pulse


Get a preview of Equity Insider


Experience the Tenoris3 Advantage

Ready to dive deep into exclusive data that can help transform your strategies?

Let Tenoris3 guide your exploration.

Please complete the form below to request a product demo or obtain more information to witness firsthand the power of our unique, untapped actionable market intelligence.